Lower Division Instruction

The Lower Division Instruction Program provides first and second year biology courses designed for life science majors, as well as for the “core science” requirements for Texas A&M University. Housed on the 3rd floor of Heldenfels Hall, the Lower Division Instruction Program is dedicated to fulfilling the educational needs of its students and has recently been awarded a 3-star sustainability rating from the Office of Sustainability.



HOURS: Monday – Friday 8 am to 5 pm
LOCATION: 315 Heldenfels
PHONE: (979) 845-4651
FAX: (979) 458-2030
E-MAIL: introbio@bio.tamu.edu

Biology Help Desk:
Students needing help with material presented in one of the 100 level biology courses can get one-on-one help from a Teaching Assistant.

E-MAIL: introbio@bio.tamu.edu

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), does not permit faculty or staff to report grades by phone or e-mail.  Please use the forms linked in the menu above to request grade checks or exam challenges.

Name Title Office Email
Lower Division Office 845-4651 introbio@bio.tamu.edu
Dr. Andy Tag Director 845-1994 atag@bio.tamu.edu
McKensie Le Fevre Associate Director 845-7752 mlefevre@bio.tamu.edu
Chris Lee Teaching Coordinator 458-3399 clee@bio.tamu.edu
Bethany Walker Laboratory Manager 845-8650 bawalker@tamu.edu
Urania Wells Administrative Coordinator II 845-6225 uwells@bio.tamu.edu
Annie McKelroy Administrative Associate I 845-4651 amckelroy@tamu.edu
Brit White Technician II 845-4679 bawhite@bio.tamu.edu
K’shawn Smith Technician II 845-4679 ksmith@bio.tamu.edu
Connor Case Technician I 845-4679 connor.case@tamu.edu
Jerry Whitten Technician I 845-4679 jerrywhitten@tamu.edu 


Phone numbers & email addresses

Name Title Office Course Email
Basu, Samarpita Instructional Assistant Professor HELD 123B Biology 112 samarb@tamu.edu
Butler, Chris Instructional Associate Professor Butler 307 Biology 111, 112, 214, 318 chris.butler@tamu.edu
Fletcher, Samantha Instructional Associate Professor HELD 320D Biology 111, 112, 213 sfletcher@bio.tamu.edu
Hawkins, Angela Instructional Associate Professor HELD 320A,
Biology 111, 112, 214 ahawkins@bio.tamu.edu
Seely, Andrew Instructional Associate Professor HELD 123A Biology 111 andrew.seely@tamu.edu
Rao, Asha Instructional Associate Professor HELD 320B,
Biology 111, 113 arao@bio.tamu.edu
Ryan, Kathy Instructional Associate Professor BSBW 103 Biology 111H kryan@bio.tamu.edu
Tag, Andrew Director of Lower Division, Instructional Associate Professor HELD 315D,
Biology 111, 112 atag@bio.tamu.edu
Wright, Rachel Instructional Assistant Professor HELD 320C, Biology 111, 112, 107 rwright@bio.tamu.edu
Xie, Runshi Instructional Assistant Professor HELD 123D, Biology 111 fushe001@tamu.edu