Terrence Sylvester
Graduate Student
Blackmon Lab
Email: tsylvester@bio.tamu.edu
- B.S, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 2015
- Ph.D. Biology, In Progress, Texas A&M University
- Evolutionary Biology
- Population genetics
- Conservation
- Genome evolution
- Evolution of chromosome number
Title: Lineage-specific patterns of chromosome evolution are the rule not the exception in Polyneoptera insects
Journal: Proceedings of royal society B
Date submitted: August 18, 2020
Poster presentation
SPRC – October 05 2019
Idiosyncratic patterns of chromosome number evolution are the rule not the exception
Oral presentation
Department of Biology seminar – January 21, 2020
Idiosyncratic patterns of chromosome number evolution are the rule not the exception