Sara Kirolos
Graduate Student
Gomer Lab
- B.S. Biological Sciences, University of California Irvine. 2016.
- Ph.D. Biology, In Progress, Texas A&M University.
- Developmental and Cell Biology
- Cell migration
- Cell signaling
- Signal transduction pathways
- Protein-protein interactions
In the Gomer Lab, my main interest is to utilize the model system Dictyostelium discoideum to understand the underlying mechanism of eukaryotic chemorepulsion and to identify key proteins that are essential for proper cell polarization and migration
Extracellular signaling in Dictyostelium” Kristen M. Consalvo, Ramesh Rijal, Yu Tang, Sara A. Kirolos, Morgan R. Smith, and Richard H. Gomer for International Journal of Developmental Biology Special Issue on Dictyostelium
Reproductive bet-hedging and existence in vernal pools as components of Hydra life history” Robert E. Steele, Megan Updegrove, Sara Ann Kirolos, Lucas Mowery, Daniel Martinez, Peter Bryant for The Biological Bulletin