Instructional Associate Professor
Fax: 979-845-2891
Joined the Department in 2018
- B.A. Biology, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas. 2007
- M.S. Biology, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas. 2010
- Ph.D. Biology, Texas A&M University. 2018
BIOL 111 Introductory Biology I
Credits 4. 3 Lecture Hours. 3 Lab Hours.
(BIOL 1306 and 1106, 1406) Introductory Biology I. First half of an introdutory two-semester survey of contemporary biology that covers the chemical basis of life, structure and biology of the cell, molecular biology and genetics; includes laboratory that reinforces and provides supplemental information related to the lecture topics.
BIOL 112 Introductory Biology II
Credits 4. 3 Lecture Hours. 3 Lab Hours.
(BIOL 1307 and 1107, 1407) Introductory Biology II. The second half of an introductory two-semester survey of contemporary biology that covers evolution, history of life, diveristy and form and function of organisms; includes laboratory that reinforces and provides supplemental information related to the lecture topics.
214. Genes, Ecology and Evolution (3-0). Credit 3. I, II
A genetically-based introduction to the study of ecology and evolution; emphasis on the interactions of organisms with each other and with their environment. Prerequisite: BIOL 112.
285. Directed Studies. Credit 1-4. I, II, S
Hawkins, A.K. and A.E. Pepper. RNA-Seq analyses reveal novel insights into serpentine tolerance in Caulanthus amplexicaulis var. barbarae (Brassicaceae). (In prep)
Randle, C.P., Cannon, B.C., Faust, A.L., Hawkins, A.K., Cabrera, S.E., Lee, S, Lewis, M.L., Perez, A.A., Sopas, J., Verastegui, T.J., and J.K. Williams. (2018) Host cues mediate growth and establishment of leafy mistletoe (Phoradendron leucarpum), an aerial parasitic plant. Castanea Volume 83, Issue 2, Pages 249262. June, 2018. https://doi.org/10.2179/18-173
Hawkins, A.K., Garza, E.R., Dietz, V.A., Hernandez, O.J., Hawkins, W.D., Burrell, A.M. and A.E. Pepper. (2017) Transcriptome Signatures of Selection, Drift, Introgression, and Gene Duplication in the Evolution of an Extremophile Endemic Plant. Genome Biology and Evolution, Volume 9, Issue 12, Pages 3478–
3494. December, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1093/gbe/evx259
Burrell, A.M., Hawkins, A.K., and A.E. Pepper. (2012) Genetic analyses of nickel tolerance in a North American serpentine endemic plant, Caulanthus amplexicaulis var. barbarae (Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany, Volume 99, Issue 11, Pages 1875-1883.