Joined the Department in 2018
- B.A. Marine Biology, The University of Tennessee
- M.S. Marine Biology. University of West Florida
- Ph.D. Marine Biology, Texas A&M University
Dr. Allison Wilkes St. Clair has been teaching college level courses in 2001. While at TAMU, she previously taught human anatomy and physiology and comparative animal physiology. She recently rebuilt and restructured BIOL 401 Critical Writing in Biology so that all science students can learn how to write a scientific paper in an online learning environment.
Jones, R.A., W. B. Cohn, A. A. Wilkes, D. S. MacKenzie. Negative feedback regulation of thyrotropin subunits and pituitary deiodinases in red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus. General and Comparative Endocrinology 240: 19-26. 2016
Browning, Z.S., A. A. Wilkes, D. S. MacKenzie, R. M. Patterson, M. W. Lenox. Using PET/CT Imaging to Characterize 18 F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Utilization in Fish. Journal of Fish Diseases 2013
Browning, Z.S., A. A. Wilkes, E.J. Moore, T.W. Lancon and F.J. Clubb. The effect of otolith malformation on behavior and cortisol levels in juvenile red drum fish, Sciaenops ocellatus. Comparative Medicine 62(4): 251-256. 2012
J. M. Grim, R. Croker, J. M. Eme, E. Ferer, K. Radzik, J. Sandberg, R. Wilborn, A. A. Wilkes, C. M. Pomory, and W. A. Bennett. Loss of Structural Complexity in Staghorn Coral Rubble Habitat Influences the Density of Damselfish in Dry Tortguas National Park, Florida, USA. Gulf of Mexico Science 29(2):113-118. 2012.
Zoe S. Browning, A. A. Wilkes, Duncan MacKenzie, Rhonda Patterson, Mark Lenox. Using positron emission tomography/computed tomography imaging as a novel method to study fish. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science 50 (5), 737, 2011. (abstract)
A. A. Wilkes, M. Cook, A. L. Digirolamo, J. M. Eme, J. M. Grim, B. Hohmann, S. L. Conner, C. M. McGill, C. M. Pomory, and W. A. Bennett. A comparison of damselfish densities on staghorn coral, Acropora cervicornis, and coral rubble in the Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida, USA. Southeastern Naturalist 7(3): 483-492. 2008