Joined the Department in 2022
- B.S., 2018, Texas A&M University, Biomedical Sciences.
- M.S. 2020, Texas A&M University, Science and Technology Journalism.
BIOL 402 Communicating Biological Research to the Public
Interpret scientific papers; analyze how research findings are communicated to lay audiences; write synopses of research findings for the general public. Fills one of the current Writing Intensive “W” course requirements for biology
Prerequisites: BIOL 213 and BIOL 214; junior or senior classification.
Book Review:
Gastel B. & Adams C. Book Review: The Copyeditor’s Handbook, 4th ed., and The Copyeditor’s Workbook. Science Editor. 2019;42(3):91-92.
Other Work:
Adams C. An odyssey abroad. CVM Today. 2021; 22(1):15-17.
Adams C. Researchers harness big data and artificial intelligence to predict future pandemic spread. Texas A&M Engineering. 2020. https://engineering.tamu.edu/news/2020/09/researchers-harness-big-data-and-artificial-intelligence-to-predict-future-pandemic-spread.html
Adams C. Carving a path. Vital Record. 2020. https://vitalrecord.tamhsc.edu/carving-a-path/
Adams C. Challenging the norms. CVM Today. 2020;21(1):80–83.
Adams C. More than skin deep. CVM Today. 2020;21(1):36–39.
Sumners CB, Scarfuto J, Adams C, Parker C, & Gastel B. Science—and its communication—transcending boundaries: some highlights of the 2019 AAAS Annual Meeting. Science Editor. 2019;42(2):47-50.
Adams C. Addressing early life adversity as an answer to mental illness. National Association of Science Writers. 2019. https://nasw.org/article/addressing-early-life-adversity-answer-mental-illness