Joined the Department in 2012
- BS in Biology in 2007 from Texas A&M University
- MS in Biology in 2012 from Texas A&M University
- MS in Science and Technology Journalism in 2013 from Texas A&M University
- Ph.D., Expected 2023, Texas A&M University, Medical Anthropology.
BIOL 403 Medical Narratives
This writing-intensive course focuses on medical narratives—stories about health, illness, and medicine. We’ll read and analyze narratives from both patient and provider perspectives. Any BIOL or BIMS major is welcome to take the course, although it may be most helpful for students pursuing a health-related career.
BIOL 489 Research Writing in the Science—Study Abroad in Italy
Italy has one of the highest life expectancy rates in the world, making it ideal for studying the connections between culture, health, and medicine. This high life expectancy is likely due to the Italian lifestyle that promotes healthful eating, social connections, and enjoying the simple moments in life.
Students in this study abroad program research, and experience the Italian lifestyle through transformative courses, hands-on workshops, and supervised medical anthropology research. They also receive W credit that applies to Biology, BIMS, and Allied Health majors. For more information, visit https://tx.ag/globalhealth.
• Winking J, Hopkins A, Yeoman M, Arcak C. M-AAA-nsplaining: Gender bias in questions asked at the American Anthropological Association’s Annual Meetings. PLOS One. 2019; 14(1).
This research investigated potential gender bias at annual anthropological conferences in the U.S. We found that men were more likely to ask questions of conference speakers, regardless of whether the speaker was a man or woman. My contributions included essential data collection, writing, and editing.
• Hopkins A, Yeoman M, Ritenbaugh C. Healthy foods prepared at home: Diet and support as protective strategies during pregnancy for Hispanic women. Ecology of Food and Nutrition. 2018; 57(2).
doi: 10.1080/03670244.2018.1423971
Hispanic women in the United States have lower maternal mortality rates than non-Hispanic
whites, even though they typically have lower socioeconomic status and access to affordable healthcare. Our research found that a healthier diet and increased emotional support likely contribute to this paradox. My contributions included data analysis, writing, and editing.
• Yeoman MS. Editor as Educator. Science Editor. 2016; 39(2).
• Yeoman MS. In their own words: Veterinary student leader autobiographical sketches [Trevor Tenney, Alec Wynne, Jessica Czerny, Ashley Heard-Ganir, and Lori Coleman]. CVM Today. 2017;18(1):36-40.
• Hopkins A, Yeoman MS. Healthy food prepared at home: A Hispanic pregnancy risk reduction strategy? Paper presented at: 115th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association; November 17, 2016; Minneapolis, MN.
• Yeoman MS. In their own words: Veterinary student leader autobiographical sketches [Austin Hardegree, Mike McEntire, Sarah Pella, and Trish Hessel]. CVM Today. 2016;17(2):38-41.
• Yeoman MS. Using your own words: Cultural contexts of unintentional plagiarism. Science Editor. 2015;38(3):101-102.
• Yeoman MS. Member profile: Andrew Willden. Science Editor. 2015;28(2):68.
• Yeoman MS. The Texas A&M Biosciences Semester Germany study abroad program. CVM Today. 2015;17(1):32-33.
• Yeoman MS. Paying it forward: Dr. Orlando Garza ’79, DVM ’82. CVM Today. 2015;17(1):72.
• Yeoman MS. In their own words: International graduate student autobiographical sketches [Hamid Alkar, Richard Cheng-An Chang, Sina Marsilo, Iveliz Martel, Naomi Ohta, and Jizhou Yang]. CVM Today. 2014;16(2):38-43.
• Yeoman MS. Avoiding food-drug interactions. OncoLog. 2014;59(2):7.
• Yeoman MS. Weight loss tips for breast cancer survivors. OncoLog. 2014;59(1):7.
• Yeoman MS. Writing clear comparisons [email newsletter]. Houston, TX: Scientific Publications. The MD Anderson Cancer Center; October 16, 2013.
• Yeoman MS. IDR Team Summary—Group 1B. In: National Academies Keck Future Initiative: The Informed Brain in a Digital World. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. 2013:15-19.