Instructional Assistant Professor
Fax: 979-845-2891
116 HELD
Joined the Department in 2022
B.S. Biochemistry, Texas A&M University
Ph.D. Pharmacology, Duke University
BIOL 401 Critical Writing in Biology
Writing intensive course consisting of reading, writing, and analyzing various biological topics, with a focus on learning how to think and write like a scientist. This course is designed to help students strengthen critical reading comprehension of scientific literature and develop technical writing skills. This course fulfills the current Writing Intensive “W” course requirement for biology.
BIOL 302 Careers in Biology
Development of job search skills; utilization of career resources; self-assessment of career interests and career objectives; strategies for professional correspondence and networking; business etiquette and interviewing techniques; insight into life science career opportunities.
Miller L.L., Edgar P.P., Lackey V., Dalton M., and D. Knight. Regulatory strategy: A blueprint for drug development. Drug Info J. 28:325-330 (1994).
Edgar P.P. A Comparison of US and EC preclinical requirements as addressed at the First International Conference on Harmonization (ICH1). North Carolina Pharmaceutical Discussion Group Symposium entitled The Impact of European Common Market Regulations on the World Pharmaceutical Industry. J. Clin Res Drug Dev 7 :147-153 (1993).
Edgar P.P. and R.D. Schwartz. Functionally relevant GABAA receptors: Equivalence between receptor affinity (Kd) and potency (EC50)? Mol. Pharmacol. 41:1124-1129 (1992).
McCown T.J., Edgar P.P., Schwartz R.D. and G.R. Breese. Unilateral kindling of the inferior collicular cortex does not transfer to the contralateral seizure-sensitive site or alter 3H-flunitrazepam and 35S-TBPS binding. Epilepsy Research 9:132-138 (1991).
Schwartz R.D., Heuschneider G., Edgar P.P. and J.A. Cohn. cAMP analogs inhibit GABA-gated chloride flux and activate protein kinase A in rat brain synaptoneurosomes. Mol. Pharmacol. 39:370-375 (1991).
Edgar P.P. and R.D. Schwartz. Localization and characterization of 35S-t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate binding in rat brain: An autoradiographic study. J. Neurosci. 10:603-612 (1990).