Abira Sahu
Graduate Student
Versaw Lab
Email: asahu@bio.tamu.edu
- Bachelor of Technology, Biotechnology, Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India. 2014
- Ph.D. Biology, In Progress, Texas A&M University.
My work focuses on monitoring phosphate (Pi) uptake and distribution in cellular and sub-cellular organelles in plants. Specifically, I use genetically encoded FRET-based biosensors as a tool for live imaging of phosphate in plant cells. My goal is to determine sites of Pi uptake in the root and determine the role of PHT1transporters on the distribution and assimilation of Pi in roots. A detailed understanding of these mechanisms will help to breed crops that are less reliant on Pi-rich fertilizers, an expensive and unsustainable practice. I also want to develop standardized imaging and analysis methods to allow comparison of biosensor data from different imaging platforms that can extend studies on Pi homeostasis.
• American Society of Plant Biologists conference, Texas, 2016; poster
• Bioimaging Science Program conference, Department of Energy 2016, Washington DC, 2016; invited attendee
• Department of Biology Student-Postdoc Research Conference, Texas A&M University, 2016 & 2017; poster
• International Symposium on “Role of Fungi and Microbes in the 21st century- A Global Scenario, Indian Mycological Society, Kolkata and Department of Botany, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India, 2014; oral presentation • 2nd Pharm. Tech. IAPST International Conference on “New Insights into Diseases and Recent Therapeutic Approaches”, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University and Indian Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists and Technologists, Kolkata, India, 2014; poster
• Indian Pharmacological Society 23rd Annual Conference, Department of Pharmacology, Nilratan Sircar Medical College, Kolkata, India, 2013; poster