Undergraduate Courses
BIOL 214: Genes, Ecology, & Evolution
Fall Every Year
Genes, Ecology, and Evolution is an interdisciplinary course that focuses on whole organism biology and the interaction of organisms with the environment. This course, along with Biol 213 (Cell and Molecular Biology) is intended to serve as a bridge and prepare students for upper division courses in the biology.
Prerequisites: Completion of BIOL 111, 112, 123, 124 or equivalent are prerequisite to this course. The material presented in BIOL 214 builds upon material presented in the prerequisites, with an emphasis on population genetics, ecology, evolutionary processes, and evolutionary relationships.
Learning Outcomes: 1) Know the technical vocabulary used in ecology and evolution. 2) Describe the evolutionary mechanisms and how they change gene frequencies. 3) Recognize and be able to explain the highlighted disciplines within the fields of ecology and evolution. 4) Explain ecological processes, patterns, or concepts at the levels of populations, communities, and ecosystems. 5) Learn basic tools/methods used in ecological and evolutionary research
Graduate Courses
GENE 612: Population Genetics
Course Description: Biological approach to genetic characteristics of populations dealing with genetic equilibrium, allelic variation, determination of genetic variation in populations, effects of mating systems, selection, mutation, gene flow and drift on population parameters.
Prerequisites: GENE 603 and STAT 651 (or equivalent general introductions to genetics and statistics [covering probability, ANOVA, linear regression, etc.]).
Learning Outcomes: 1) Comprehend basic theory underlying the field of population genetics. 2) Identify, describe, and analyze the evolutionary mechanisms (mutation, genetic drift, selection, gene flow, and non-random mating) and their interactions that shape and/or create genetic diversity and structure within and among populations. 3) Use empirical methods and tools (e.g., software) to elucidate levels and patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation among populations and to infer and asses basic principles shaping population genetic structure. 4) Describe applications of population genetics to various fields such as forensics, molecular ecology, conservation biology, and of course, evolutionary biology.