
Research in the Department of Biology spans the entire breadth of biology: from ecology and evolution to molecular, cellular, and developmental biology. Our research is supported by a wide array of funding sources, including NIH, NSF and the Welch Foundation.

Many departmental faculty members actively participate in campus-wide interdisciplinary graduate research programs, including Genetics & Genomics, Neuroscience, Molecular and Environmental Plant Sciences, and Ecology & Evolutionary Biology.

Biological Resilience

profile photo of jared bard

Jared Bard

Bard Profile | Bard Lab Website

Post-transcriptional RNA regulation during viral infection and tumorigenesis; function and regulation of stress-induced biomolecular condensation

Deb Bell-Pedersen

Bell-Pedersen Profile | Bell-Pedersen Lab Website

Molecular genetics and genomics of circadian clocks and signaling pathways in fungi

Profile Photo of Mike Benedict

Michael Benedik

Benedik Profile

Molecular genetics of bacteria and microbial biotechnology

Profile Photo of Heath Blackmon

Heath Blackmon

Blackmon Profile | Blackmon Lab page

Evolutionary genetics and genomics using both theoretical and empirical approaches. Empirical methods used include bioinformatics, phylogenetics, quantitative genetics.

chris butler

Chris Butler

Butler Profile

Ecology and conservation of birds; anthropogenic impacts on species distribution and habitat; use of novel techniques for wildlife detection; invasive species management.

TAMU Biology Logo

Mahul Chakraborty

Chakraborty Profile

Molecular basis of phenotypic variation and adaptation, Role of repetitive genome in evolution of sexual dimorphism and sexual conflict

Richard Gomer

Gomer Profile | Gomer Lab Website

Tissue size regulation, wound healing, and fibrosing diseases

Lawrence Griffing

Griffing Profile

Structure and biochemical organization of cells; membrane trafficking

Profile Photo of Paul Hardin

Paul Hardin

Hardin Profile | Hardin Lab Website

Molecular biology of biological clocks in Drosophila; behavioral neurogenetics; transcriptional regulation.

profile picture of Jason Karpac

Jason Karpac

Karpac Profile | Karpac Lab Website

Genetic modeling the complex relationships between nutrients, pathogens, metabolism, and immunity.

alex keene

Alex Keene

Keene Profile | Keene Lab Website

Neural regulation of behavior in flies and fish models

photo of matthias koch

Matthias Koch

Koch Profile | Koch Lab Website

Mechanobiology of bacteria and advanced microscopy

profile picture of Josh Lillvis

Josh Lillvis

Lillvis Profile

 Neural mechanisms of behavior variation and evolution.

Thomas McKnight

McKnight Profile

Molecular analysis of protein secretion in plants; plant genome organization and evolution

Angela Mitchell

Mitchell Profile | Mitchell Lab Website

Mechanisms of interaction between stress and antibiotic resistance in gram-negative bacteria

profile photo of matt moulton

Matthew Moulton

Moulton Profile 

Functional genetics of human disease variants using Drosophila models; Mechanisms of lipid droplet formation in the brain; Neuron-glia interactions

Beiyan Nan

Nan Profile | Nan Lab Website

Bacterial physiology, super-resolution fluorescence microscopy

profile photo of ben neuman

Ben Neuman

Neuman Profile

Investigating how viruses work and where they come from to better understand diseases before they happen

Daniel Paredes-Sabja

Paredes-Sabja Profile | Paredes-Sabja Lab Website

Molecular mechanisms of C. difficile pathogenesis and exosporium-assembly of C. difficile spores

Alan Pepper

Pepper Profile

Environmental regulation of development in Arabidopsis thaliana

Hongmin Qin

Qin Profile | Qin Lab Website

Quantitative Synthetic Biology and Biotechnology

Jolene Ramsey

Ramsey Profile | Ramsey Lab Website

Bacteriophage discovery and annotation, bacterial cell lysis mechanisms, phage-host interactions, viral genomics

Matt Sachs

Sachs Profile

Regulation of eukaryotic gene expression focused primarily on post-transcriptional control; functional analyses of fungi at the genome level

photo of lamba omar sangare

Lamba Omar Sangare

Sangare Profile | Sangare Lab Website

Molecular characterization of Toxoplasma gondii in vivo dissemination and its interaction with the placental barrier

tapasree sarkar

Tapasree Roy Sarkar

Sarkar Profile

Cancer bioinformatics, Cancer Biology, Metabolomics, Nanotechnology

Deborah Siegele

Siegele Profile

Stress survival by the bacterium E. coli, development of an ontology of microbial phenotypes

James Leif Smith

Smith Profile | Smith Lab Website

Structural and functional characterization of natural products from microorganisms

Joseph Sorg

Sorg Profile | Sorg Lab Website

Mechanisms of Clostridium difficilespore germination and bile acid resistance

Wayne Versaw

Versaw Profile

Plant cell and molecular biology; nutrient transport and metabolism

Aref Zarin

Zarin Profile | Zarin Lab Website

Developmental and experimental neuroscience; Formation and maintenance of sensory-motor circuits in Drosophila; Behavioral neurogenetics, neural circuitry underlying locomotor behaviors and action selection; Transcriptional regulation of neuronal properties

profile of xiuren zhang

Xiuren Zhang

Zhang Profile

Plant RNA Biology and Epigenetics